Freedom from PCOS

Low-Carb Savory Avocado Breakfast Wrap

Savory Avocado Wrap

This is a great breakfast recipe that you can make quickly on a busy morning. Because it’s packed full of protein and healthy fats, but low in carbs, it’s PCOS-friendly and will keep you full for hours.

If you love this recipe, be sure to sign-up for my One Day PCOS-Friendly Meal Plan for more awesome recipes. When you sign-up, you’ll automatically be put on my VIP list and be one of the first people to know about my ebook 7-Day Meal Plan to Mitigate PCOS Symptoms that’s coming out soon! Only VIPs will receive the opportunity to grab the ebook at the reduced introductory price! Grab the one-day meal plan and get on the VIP list now!

Savory Avocado Wrap

1 butter lettuce or collard leaf
½ avocado
1 teaspoon chopped basil
Sea salt and pepper
2-3 eggs scrambled
Small handful of spinach

Smear leaf with the avocado and sprinkle with basil, salt and pepper, add scrambled egg and spinach. Fold in half and enjoy!

Serves 1


Want more recipes that will help mitigate your PCOS symptoms? Grab your free copy of my One Day PCOS-Friendly Meal Plan now!


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